Welcome. I am Maciek Leszczak, or Mattie for short. Originally from Poland, I now live and work in Edinburgh, Scotland since 2007.
I am a registered Osteopath (General Osteopathic Council, reg. nr. 9965), having gained my Bachelor of Osteopathy with Honours from Anglia Ruskin University (Faculty of Health, Education, Medicine and Social Care) with London School of Osteopathy.
I have been recommended by Three Best Rated® (U.K) in their ranking of "Top 3 Osteopath in Edinburgh", please click [here] or the Badge Certificate below.
Before my graduation, I have been a practising
massage therapist since 2008, adding
myofascial release therapy in 2010, and in 2012 became a
Shiatsu practitioner. I continue to use all of those
modalities, when appropriate. I am planning to add
acupuncture dry needle therapy to my practice later in this
Please scroll down the page to get more
information about me.
As an official hands-on and primary health care medical practitioner (osteopath), I bring together a combination of techniques to address your body’s individual needs, looking for the reasons behind your symptoms and treating your body as a whole.
I place particular emphasis on releasing postural restrictions, helping your body to recover from injuries and chronic conditions, reducing pain and discomfort. I also consider the connected relationship between your bones, muscles, and the state of all other tissues (such as fascia, skin, tendons, ligaments, disks, joint capsules and viscera) in relation to your nutrition and natural life energy. I outline how your level of activity, lifestyle, habits and existing health condition (if you have any) may have contributed to the way your body feels now, and why. I also suggest ways you can help me to help you, by making some simple changes.
Please check the Appointment section in the main menu to know what to expect during your appointment.
Additional experience:
I have been running an "integrated soft tissue workshop" at The Shiatsu School Edinburgh in 2012-2015.
I was one of the sports massage team for the 2013 Tough Mudder Race in Edinburgh.
Here are details of my skill development so far:
- Bachelor of Osteopathy with Honours: Anglia Ruskin University with London School of Osteopathy, Faculty of Health, Education, Medicine and Social Care - five years part-time: 1,200 clinic hours.
- Advanced Course For Osteopathic Manipulations HVT 8 hours;
Massud Wasel MD DO ND PGCAP, BSC(Hons) - Osteopathic Spinal Manipulation HVT - OMT Training, 32 hours CPD course Edinburgh; www.omttraining.co.uk
- Spinofascial Advanced Fascial Articulatory Techniques
Maggie Brooks-Carter workshop; Edinburgh - Central Channel Shiatsu Shin-tai - Liz Arundel course; Edinburgh
- Shiatsu Practitioner, Shiatsu School Edinburgh - 3 years diploma course
- Craniofascial and Sacrofascial : Advanced Fascial Articulatory Techniques
- MET ( muscle energy techniques ) in management of spinal, respiratory and pelvic dysfunction, Leon Chiatow workshop; London
- Structural Alignment Shiatsu Shin-Tai - Liz Arundel course; Edinburgh
- Positional Release - Leon Chiatow workshop; London
- Myofascial Release UK and Ireland -Spine and Sacrum top up workshop
- Sotai Therapy - The Shiatsu School Edinburgh - workshop
- Integrated Neuromuscular Management of Myofascial Pain - Leon Chiatow workshop; London
- Spinal Alignment - Graham Blakley workshop; Edinburgh
- First Aid Certificate - Emergency First Aid Course - Edinburgh
- Foundation of Thai Massage - course - Lucy Trend; Edinburgh
- Myofascial Release UK and Ireland - Advanced Level top up workshop
- Myofascial Release UK and Ireland - Therapist’s Supervision
- Myofascial Release UK and Ireland - Advanced level and Unwinding
- Myofascial Release Uk and Ireland - Diploma : Integrated Myofascial Therapist
- ITEC - Anatomy, Physiology and Patology - Level 3 - Diploma; London
- Functional Osteopathy and Body Integration - 90 hours training; Germany/Poland - http://www.funktionelle-integration.de/
- Seated Shiatsu Treatment - Glasgow School of Shiatsu - Diploma
- Reiki Usui Shiki Ryoho - 1st and 2nd degree
- Sports Massage with elements of biological regeneration - Diploma course; Poland
- Annual Traineeship in the occupation of a Massage Therapist - Diploma; Poland
- Advanced level of massage : lymph drainage, medical segment massage, traditional shiatsu ; Diploma; Poland
- First degree course in massage: swedish massage, sport massage, relaxation massage, slimming massage ; Diploma; Poland
- Psychology Training course - 3 years
additionally - Diploma: Masseur (2004) - Master University Degree - "Master of Science - Engineer"
- Graduated from two-semester post-graduate studies in the scope of "Training in Company Management in the Conditions of Uniform European Market"
Maggie Brooks-Carter workshop; Edinburgh
2006 - 2007
2004 - 2007
Baltic Institute of Psychology - College; Poland
Gdansk University of Technologies, Poland
Additionally -
Department of Management and Economy